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Projects that Tinopai RMU have been involved in:

In March 2013 with the consent of the landowner Li Langren, Tinopai School and Te Uri O Hau (Mikaera Miru) secured the wetland [formerly a creek reformed by the previous owner in 1970].  The reformation of this creek resulted in serious siltation that caused mangroves to spread along the coastal area and manure leeching directly into Kaipara Harbour.  Puapua Creek was fenced in 2013 and TRMU have started replanting programs to regenerate native trees and grasses in the wetland and return it to a fully functioning wetland with the intention to reduce mangroves which have grown to pest proportions over the years.


In 2015 Northern Regional Council asked Tinopai to Protect Parry Road Wetland, a wetland contained within Li Liangren's forestry, identified by DOC as a Level 1 wetland [National Treasure] which was subject to extinction.  The wetland is approximately 2.5kms in length and runs from Parry Road through the forestry and releases at Te Kaokao Bay, Tinopai.  It comprises 13 species of flora and fauna subject to extinction in the next felling if the wetland is not protected. In 2017 the wetland was damaged which resulted in the ongoing erosion of the beach at Te Kaokao Bay.  TRMU are working with NRC and KDC who are legally obliged to protect this wetland.  We have a pest and weed contractor laying traps to catch rats, stoats, weasels and had a 50% catch rate in 2018.  We hope to obtain funding to continue this program. 


The Tinopai Resource Management Unit is based in Tinopai on the Kaipara Harbour. 

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Mina Henare-Toka


Mikaera Miru


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