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Te Uri o Hau is our Iwi (TUOH) and the Hapu Environmental Management Plan - Kaitiakitanga o te Taiao is our Authority

In October 2011 Te Uri o Hau (TUOH) presented the Hapu Environmental Management Plan/Kaitiakitanga o te Taiao to Northern Regional Council and Kaipara District Council.  The Hapu Environmental Management Plan supports the devolution of Kaitiaki and Resource Consent duties to tangata whenua and Marae and you can view this document on their website.


We list below the relevant clauses which support TRMU's kaupapa:


The main objectives of the Hapu Environmental Management Plan includes


"Devolution of resource management responsibilities to tangata whenua/ahi ka through the marae" 


"Develop strategies for TUOH hapu, whanau and marae to participate actively in the formulation of natural resource management planning"


"Educate and empower hapu, whanau and marae to be proactive in their role as kaitiaki of natural resources within the statutory area of TUOH"


 TRMU are currently practising kaitiakitanga within the Tinopai Rohe, we have processed Resource Consent applications and will continue to process resource consent applications as is our rights under the Treaty of Waitangi, the Resource Management Act (Ss5-8) and the Hapu Environmental Management Plan.


The Tinopai Resource Management Unit is based in Tinopai on the Kaipara Harbour. 

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Mina Henare-Toka


Mikaera Miru


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